5 Reasons why online reviews are important


5 Reasons why online reviews are important

2022-11-09_09-53-42PACK & SEND has recently surpassed 30,000 online reviews, with an average rating of 4.6 out of 5. A huge thank you to our ever-growing cohort of loyal customers for your support and feedback! A crucial aspect of managing a successful business is listening to the customer, and at PACK & SEND we use these reviews to gain important business insights.

Here are some reasons why online reviews are important to a business (and why they're priceless to us):

1. Improve customer service

When customers leave you a review, they typically explain what they like or didn’t like about their experience, and this enables you as a business owner to understand your customers better. It is important to listen to feedback, learn from it, understand your strengths and weaknesses, and modify your behaviour accordingly. Constructively taking in customer feedback could improve your conflict resolution skills, problem solving skills, and help you to create the optimal customer experience.

Furthermore, in order to maintain a good review rating, you could be motivated not only to go the extra mile in your service but also rectify any problems as soon as possible!

2. Increase sales performance

People are more likely to purchase a product or service that has been recommended by others.  Given that 90% of consumers read online reviews before visiting a business, online reviews have immense power to influence the decision making process. According to a survey by BrightLocal, 88% of consumers trust online reviews as much as personal recommendations, 72% say that positive reviews make them trust a local business more, and 92% will use a local business if it has at least a 4-star rating.

3. Improve search engine rankings

Acknowledging the significance of reviews in our decision making process, Google has ranked review sites at the top of their search results. Reviews generate unique content about a business. This gives the business more authority and relevance, resulting in higher visibility in organic search rankings.

4. Positive marketing and public relations

The more good reviews you receive, the more positive chatter about your company there is. Reviews are constantly working in the background long after they are posted. This results in a positive brand image, continual brand awareness, and improving reputation. Having many good reviews could even reap more benefits than a small marketing campaign!

5. Customer loyalty and engagement

By asking customers to leave reviews, they are given a voice to provide meaningful feedback. Should they take the time to leave a review, they will be more likely to feel loyal towards your business and return. Leaving a review is a way for businesses and consumers to establish relationships. Consumers may also engage with each other while leaving reviews and form an attachment to other consumers as well as the brand.

And that's why we're celebrating 30,000 reviews! We read and cherish each and every one of them. 

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