New Zero Emission Vehicle Delivering for PACK & SEND South Brisbane


New Zero Emission Vehicle Delivering for PACK & SEND South Brisbane

Zero Emission Bike delivery packages

Peter Chrisfield and Rosie Scally, Franchisees at PACK & SEND South Brisbane had a problem.  Due to traffic congestion and limited parking in South Brisbane (and across the bridge in the City) it was taking them up to 40 minutes/hours to complete a local pickup or delivery to the Brisbane CBD, less than 3 km away....

They pondered, how could they be more responsive and provide faster, better service to customers for local area pick-ups and deliveries?

At PACK & SEND, we live by the motto “No Limits”, so Peter & Rosie knew there had to be a solution.

One evening while brainstorming over a couple of glasses of red wine, Peter had a stroke of genius.  The solution was simple: a Bicycle!

But not just any bicycle.  A motorised, electric, Lithium-ion battery powered, lean, mean local delivery machine.

The very next day, Peter found one for sale on Gumtree in Perth.  Peter arranged for the seller to take it to PACK & SEND Joondalup (who inspected the bike on Peter’s behalf and made sure it was in working order) before packing it with great care and shipping it over to PACK & SEND South Brisbane.

A few day later it arrived and was on the road for its first delivery that same day.  It has proven to be a resounding success.  In just the first week, the bike has been utilised a dozen or so times.  The largest pick up 2 x 18 kilo cartons, which were managed with no problem.

The bike has a top speed of 25km/hr without pedaling.  With a bit of peddle power it can go up to 40km/hr, and has an 80 kilometre range on a single charge.

Not only is it fast, agile, easy to park and environmentally friendly, but its running costs are also incredibly cheap at only 10 cents per full charge, making it ridiculously economical, and the freedom of fresh air running through the hair is just a lovely bonus.

Peter is so impressed with how quickly he can now accomplish local deliveries that he has issued an open challenge - “I will challenge any delivery vehicle to beat me into town for an 18th floor delivery and back, parking usually in foyers - to amazing interest”.  If you’re keen to take Peter up on the challenge, feel free to get in touch with him at PACK & SEND South Brisbane.

It’s interesting to note that when sending Lithium-ion batteries they are classed as Dangerous Goods because they can pose a safety risk when not packed and prepared in accordance with transport regulations. 

PACK & SEND have been known as the experts of shipping Lithium batteries for many years now.

We are trusted and accredited to comply with the Dangerous Goods regulations, so we make it easy for our customers to ship Lithium Ion Batteries around the world.

It’s great to see that we are now utilising the power of Lithium-Ion to make deliveries and pickups!

Well done Peter and Rosie. it looks like you’re really onto a winner with your local delivery vehicle innovation.

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