Five reasons why now is the right time to expand your online store internationally


Five reasons why now is the right time to expand your online store internationally

expand your online store internationallyWith online shopping becoming the first port of call for more and more consumers around the world, there are tremendous opportunities for marketing and selling products abroad – and local online retailers (e-tailers) are quickly jumping on board.

Australian e-tailers are continually innovating and providing world-class logistics solutions for their customers on a national scale, so when it comes to taking the leap and starting to ship internationally, it’s equally important their international shipping solutions are also first class.

Whether you’re a large e-tailer or solo eBay seller, PACK & SEND explores five key reasons why now is the perfect time to expand your online store internationally.

  1. The Aussie dollar

A recent PACK & SEND survey revealed that more than half (57%) of Australians say the currency exchange rate has ‘some impact’ or a ‘significant impact’ on whether they choose to buy goods from overseas, and many will turn their back on local e-tailers and eBay sellers altogether if it means they can get a better price or more choice internationally.

With customers chopping and changing who they buy from depending on price and range, it’s difficult for e-tailers to solely rely on domestic shoppers to maintain their revenue stream.

While our dollar may not be measuring up against other currencies at present, the low Aussie dollar has also created an opportune environment for local e-tailers to consider opening up their shipping channels internationally, balancing out revenue between domestic and overseas customers.

In other words, now is a great time to start promoting your products to a new, international customer base which can take advantage of the current exchange rate. While an item you’re selling might seem expensive to a local customer, the exchange rate means it may be just the right price to an international buyer.

  1. The world is your playground

Geographical limits are no longer a hindrance to e-commerce, with simple shipping and logistics solutions now available quite literally at your doorstep. Case in point is PACK & SEND’s PowerSender functionality, an automated online ‘quote, book and pay’ platform that assists e-tailers to calculate, list and print labels for international parcel shipments – all at the click of a button.

Streamlining the shipping process is key to reaching today’s consumers who have now become accustomed to purchasing on demand, regardless of time and location.

  1. A wider audience for niche products

If you’re an e-tailer of niche products that appeal to a somewhat limited market (such as vintage ice cream scoops or Princess Mary stamps), it’s likely worthwhile opening up your potential customer-base to enthusiasts overseas, so as to maximise your potential buying audience.

PACK & SEND can send anything, anywhere, domestically and internationally - everything from fashion or electronics to taxidermy animal heads or vintage car parts. Whether they travel by air freight courier or sea freight, your niche product will reach its new, international home safely and on time. And don’t worry about fragile items – PACK & SEND’s expert packing service specialises in odd, antique and awkward shaped items. When it comes to logistics, always remember the golden rule: the courier service you use must be able to send anything, anywhere, regardless of whether it’s big, small, fragile or non-fragile.

  1. Scalability

Every business wants to grow and scale to meet market demand, and the best way to do this is to defy geographical limits and propel your business internationally. It’s a job you’ve already rehearsed at a local level, so shifting gears into an international market is a simple test of scalability. By doing so, you’ll be able to reach new market segments, as well as remove an element of risk by ensuring you’re not bearing the brunt of an exhausted or inconsistent market by maintaining a level of demand overseas.

It’s important to keep in mind, however, that scaling your e-tail store for global competition requires adaptability in order to stay relevant in the dynamic marketplace. Regardless of whether you’re a small time eBay seller or established e-tailer, it’s important to maintain a start-up mentality in order to drive ongoing innovation, success and outstanding customer experiences.

  1. Low capital cost

So, you already have an online store with the capability to send goods to domestic customers – that’s the hard part complete! Adding an international shipping option to your offering is a simple and logical next step, and one that requires little to no capital investment. PACK & SEND has partnered with eBay to provide website integration so that you can conveniently provide international parcel delivery quotes to your customers, then automatically import your customer orders directly from eBay to PowerSender for easy courier booking and dispatch.

If you’re considering expanding to new markets, don’t put it off any longer. With the right planning and logistics services behind you, transitioning your e-tail store to service an international audience can be simple and offers a world of possibility.

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